Advising Directory
"Eduation is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today." -Malcolm X
- Preparing for my advising appointment
MyRoadMap: A Major MyRoadMap is your guide to the classes to take each semester to complete your degree in a timely manner!
GE Requirements and Courses: Gives you information about the General Education program at 菠菜网lol正规平台, as well as which of the currently offered courses meet General Education requirements.
Articulation: The Articulation website provides information about how credit earned outside 菠菜网lol正规平台 transfers to 菠菜网lol正规平台. You can find information about transferring in GE requirements, course-to-course transfer, and credit by exam (such as AP or IB). We encourage students to review their own articulation before meeting with advisors so that questions for advisors are more specific. Remember that we must have official transcripts or test scores reported in your file before you can be given credit.
- Student Athlete Resource Center (SARC)
The Student Athlete Resource Center provides academic support to current student athletes at 菠菜网lol正规平台.
Student Athlete Resource Center
Scott Gadway Academic Center
Phone: (408) 924-8078
- College Advising Centers
Some colleges have advising centers specifically for students in those particular majors. Links for these advising centers are provided below.
College of Health and Human Sciences
CHHS Student Success CenterMacQuarrie Hall (MH) 533
Phone: 408-924-2910
Email: chhssuccesscenter@jishuoba.comCollege of Business
Jack Holland Student Success CenterBoccardo Business Complex (BBC) 008
Phone: 408-924-3435
Email: jackholland-center@jishuoba.comCollege of Education
Lurie College of Education Student Success CenterSweeney Hall (SH) 106
Phone: 408-924-2700
Email: luriecollege-successcenter@jishuoba.comCollege of Engineering
Engineering Student Success CenterEngineering Building 344
Phone: 408-924-3800
Email: success-engineering@jishuoba.comCollege of Humanities and Arts
Humanities & Arts Student Success CenterClark Hall 244
Phone: 408-924-5095
Email: ha-successcenter@jishuoba.comCollege of Information, Data and Society
College of Information, Data and Society - AdvisingPhone: 408.924.2670
Email:isda4year-studentadvising@jishuoba.comCollege of Science
College of Science Student Success CenterDuncan Hall 212
Phone: 408-924-5193
Email: science-advisingcenter@jishuoba.comCollege of Social Sciences
College of Social Sciences Student Success CenterClark Hall 240
Phone: 408-924-5363
- General Education Advising
All declared students receive general education advising in their respective college advising center.
Undeclared students receive advising support from the Exploratory Student Success Center. This center supports undeclared students with general education advising.
Exploratory Student Success Center
Phone: 408-924-2434*Resources for Undeclared Students*
Check out these useful resources from major departments for information pertaining to Changing or Declaring a Major in one of the following: Public Health and Recreation, Justice Studies, Kinesiology, School of Nursing, School of Social Work, Business
- Major Advising
Some colleges and departments have websites for their advising, which are listed below. If you do not see your major department listed, please call your major/minor department office to find out how to make an appointment with an advisor.
College of Health and Human Sciences
Aerospace Studies (Air Force ROTC)
Phone: 408-924-2960
Email: afrotc@jishuoba.comHospitality Management
Phone: 408-924-3000
Fax: 408-924-3061
Email: hospitality@jishuoba.comKinesiology
Phone: 408-924-3010
Email: kinesiology@jishuoba.comMilitary Science (Army ROTC)
Phone: 408-554-4781
E-mail:mcmorales@scu.eduNutrition, Food Science and Packaging
Phone: 408-924-3100
Email: nufs-info-group@jishuoba.comOccupational Therapy
Phone: 408-924-3070
Email: occupationaltherapyadmin@jishuoba.comPublic Health and Recreation
Phone: 408-924-2971
Email: healthscience-group@jishuoba.comSchool of Nursing
Phone: 408-924-3131
Email: nursing@jishuoba.comSchool of Social Work
Phone: 408-924-5800
Email: socialwork@jishuoba.comLucas College and Graduate School of Business
Department of Accounting and Finance
Phone: 408-924-3460
Email: cob-acctandfinance@jishuoba.comDepartment of Marketing and Business Analytics
Phone: 408-924-3506
Email: Contact the Department StaffLucas Graduate School of Business
Phone: 408-924-3420
Email: lucas-school@jishuoba.comSchool of Global Innovation and Leadership
Phone: 408-924-6880
Email: Contact the School Director, Analyst, or CoordinatorSchool of Information Systems and Technology
Phone: 408-924-7790
Email: Contact the School Director or Department AnalystSchool of Management
Phone: 408-924-3550
Email: schoolofmanagement@jishuoba.comConnie L. Lurie College of Education
Child and Adolescent Development
Phone: 408-924-3718
Fax: 408-924-3758
Email: childdev@jishuoba.comCommunicative Disorders and Sciences
Phone: 408-924-3688
Fax: 408-924-3641
Email: communicative-disorders-sciences@jishuoba.comCounselor Education
Phone: 408-924-3634
Fax: 408-924-4137
Email: counselor-ed@jishuoba.comEducational Leadership
Phone: 408-924-3616
Email: edleadership@jishuoba.comSpecial Education
Phone: 408-924-3700
Fax: 408-924-3701
Email: speceduc-group@jishuoba.comCharles W. Davidson College of Engineering
Aerospace Engineering
Phone: 408-924-3965Aviation and Technology
Phone: 408-924-3190
Fax: 408-924-3198
Email: aviation-technology@jishuoba.comBiomedical, Chemical and Materials Engineering
Phone: 408-924-3409
Email: biomedical-engineering@jishuoba.comCivil and Environmental Engineering
Phone: 408-924-3900
Email: civil-engineering@jishuoba.comComputer Engineering
Phone: 408-924-4150Electrical Engineering
Phone: 408-924-3950General Engineering
Phone: 408-924-4048Industrial and Systems Engineering
Phone: 408-924-3301Mechanical Engineering
Phone: 408-924-3850College of Humanities and the Arts
Art and Art History
Phone: 408-924-4320Design
Phone: 408-924-4340English and Comparative Literature
Phone: 408-924-4425Humanities
Phone: 408-924-4463Linguistics and Language Development
Phone: 408-924-4413Music and Dance
Phone: 408-924-4673Philosophy
Phone: 408-924-4468TV, Radio, Film and Theatre
Phone: 408-924-4530World Languages and Literatures
Phone: 408-924-4602College of Information, Data and Society
Information Science and Data Analytics
Email: souvick.ghosh@jishuoba.comCollege of Science
Biological Sciences
Phone: 408-924-4900Chemistry
Phone: 408-924-5000Computer Science
Phone: 408-924-5060Geology
Phone: 408-924-5050Mathematics and Statistics
Phone: 408-924-5100Meteorology and Climate Science
Phone: 408-924-5200Moss Landing Marine Labs
Phone: 408-924-4800Physics and Astronomy
Phone: 408-924-5210College of Social Sciences
African-American Studies
Phone: 408-924-5871Anthropology
Phone: 408-924-5710Communication Studies
Phone: 408-924-5360Economics
Phone: 408-924-5400Environmental Studies
Phone: 408-924-5450Geography and Global Studies
Phone: 408-924-5475Global Studies
Phone: 408-924-5485History
Phone: 408-924-5500Chicana and Chicano Studies
Phone: 408-924-5760Psychology
Phone: 408-924-5600Sociology and Interdisciplinary Social Sciences
Phone: 408-924-5320Urban and Regional Planning
Phone: 408-924-5882
- Graduate Advising
Current 菠菜网lol正规平台 Graduate students are encouraged to use Graduate Programs for more information regarding their specific Graduate programs along with their respective advisors.